Message from Heidi to all our rowers: EVERY fortnight will be focus on technique fortnight! Every two weeks I’ll publish a technical point for us all to pay attention to on ergs and in boats. Remind each other, hold yourself to account. Right across the club we all need to have the maturity and discipline to impose technical improvement on […]
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Rowing on d’telly!
Rowing on d’telly! The World Rowing Championships are in full swing in Florida. See this link for the times of RTÉ coverage.
Lots of it can be streamed on World Rowing website too.…/
Fun QUIZ Night, October 13th
Great prizes to be won at our Fun QUIZ Night on Friday 13th October, starting from 8pm at O’Donnell’s Bar, Mounthawk, Tralee. €30 per table of 4. Contact Glyn at 087 2302334. Your support is greatly appreciated!
CONTINUE READINGWelcoming Winter Training Season
As winter training commences we at Tralee Rowing Club wish you all lots of sessions that look like this! #rhythmandrelaxation #longandstrong #theperfectstroke
CONTINUE READINGJim Breen attending World Masters Regatta
We would like to wish our club member Jim Breen all the best at the World Masters Rowing Regatta in Bled, Slovenia, which is starting today and will continue until Saturday evening. There have been 6,300 entries at this regatta from over 120 countries, with over 100 participants from Ireland. Go for it Jim!! For more information about this event […]